Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Maybe Some Day"

So it seems I've taken it upon myself to look after myself-thoughtlessly, I came to the quick conclusion that she would never want to cause me sorrow- lead me on- or pain of any sort. Shes made it more than clear I assume, that the feelings I have will not be returned or shared.

Why shouldn't I follow the way my heart feels & leads me, If it would make me & my heart happy, possibly her as well? I'm in doubt, Im not dumb..If I let my heart be happy then it will sooner or later be broken into a million pieces?

To exchange conversations and thoughts now in person over some coffee, tea - at a local Star Bucks or at Chapters would be a very good continuation of a friendship, but its not like the possibility of that to happen would present itself right? Not now, Not for a while.

"Maybe Some Day"

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