Monday, August 10, 2009

Stress..... =(

Ive been feeling really stressed out these days. Overall I feel my life sucks in all manor of  ways. 1. Social Life has taken probably the biggest blow ever. its at an all time

super, sad low.

2. My best friend A) shes no where to be found. I hope shes doing well.

Well best friend B) hes busy as hell these days with work and such. I guess theres no real reason to complain about his absense.

3. Feeling some what stressed out about this girl I like. the situation feels like

its being forced into working out. I just want things to happen naturally. I just want shit to happen like the good old days. I want to fall in love the old fashioned way. Well I can at least assume things will get better. I mean they cant be really this bad. Shit, im so pathetic for even thinking the low gravity of my small lifes problems to be even considered as a problem.  Maybe im just growing up way to fast for my own good.


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