Monday, September 8, 2008

Dying for something people call "Hope"

I want to succeed, I want to be happy

I want hope, ive already grown tired of being sad and as well

as being alone. Im so exhausted with my very well being.

Im frustrated with my self to no limit.

Sadly I do know that only i can actually help myself.

Only I can pull my self out of this deep crater.

Only I can give myself happiness.

Only i can give myself Hope. But theres only on question still at hand?

How long will it be before im no longer weak, and hope comes back?

Im not Emo, this is just how i feel how i feel.

Fuck. I cant help but feel like my life is a complete and utter mess.

I for some reason feel that I have no direction.

No justification for my actions.

No real thought or plans for succeeding as much as I would love to.

In a sense, im just waisting my youth.

"Im lost".

Im weak.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Public Service Announcement

Its finally safe to say, "Im lonely and sad".

Not that anyone really cares. Just thought id

put that out there.

Weak After All....

My heart is ripped and torn 
I’m broken inside
Your words are like thorns 
ripping at my soul

I see thru all of you
from the light there is darkness
and you are empty too
your just like everyone else

I’m broken beyond repair 
you’ve destroyed me

My wounds wont heal
I scream into the darkness
no emotions inside left to feel
just when I thought I could trust you

Your hate feeds me 

it makes me stronger
you think I’m weak 
but in the end you are weak

I’m broken beyond repair 

You’ve destroyed me...

I’m Broken and noone cares...


I hope one day down the road, our lives will cross paths again. Because I want to spend my life with you. . .

Broken Like Glass

To you i gave my heart and love,

But you tore them apart,

And broke me like glass in your feet,

Shatered my hopes of a joyfull life.

This seems to be a trend me dear, a trend 

that does not seem, to want to end.

Simple Enough?

you make it seem so easy. when whatever we had was ending, u were already starting something new. you really dont know whats its like.

fuck you, because i still feel you.

lets get fucked up this weekend. yeah awesome.

Only if it were that simple.

"Two Things"

I tell myself things that get me through my day. Two things specifically... "nothing is perfect" and "an ex is an ex for a reason". 

i tell myself these things constantly in hopes of believing it. One is to try and believe that what we had wasn't perfect and two is to believe that we really arent meant to be together. 

I hate the awkward feelings and moments when we talk on the phone or when our eyes meet. I hate the guards we put up to try and protect ourselves from eachother. Are things that bad that its this hard to even try and be friends? 

i dont know what to say... i hate this, im just hurtin'

good night.